
I don’t know what I did to my acne but it’s been acting up like crazy recently and I want to break up with it. I had perfect skin all through middle school and high school and now this adult acne is plaguing me and making me look like an angsty teen who just learned how to use a pad. Well, so much for nice Asian skin. I wonder where those genes went. But shit happens, I guess. And I’m learning to love the way I look despite the never-ending red splotches that keep popping up. It’s a test of self-love, and I’m passing just fine. 💜


Does anyone else hate going to Asian supermarkets with the parents sometimes? Because my mom’s bound to run into someone she knows who hasn’t seen me since my prepubescent years and feels the need to immediately comment on my weight. First of all, it would be super strange if I hadn’t gained any weight in 10 years. And second of all, my body is not your business. No need to make a big deal out of it, thank you very much. 💜